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  • Principal Michelle Jannakos

August 1st, 2020 Update

Can you believe it is August?????

Time doesn't seem the same since March. Sometimes, it drags and sometimes it flies.  It certainly seems like we have not seen you for ages.  And we are ALL looking forward to that very soon! We are still planning for full time, in-person school with the beginning of classes August 26. If you are returning to SSA, many procedures will be different and we ask for your patience and cooperation.  Our goals are to keep all of us as healthy and safe as possible while providing a nurturing and comfortable learning environment. 

Important pieces of news for today:

1.  All invoices for tuition this year will be sent via EMAIL from the office ( Please check your emails (spam as well) next week. If you have NOT received an invoice by the end of next week, PLEASE contact us to make sure all of our email information is correct. As always, the first third tuition is due by September 1. Our updated tuition policy can be found here on page 4.

2.  Health Forms (Physical exams, dental and vision exams) are available on our website.  (under current families) Not all grades require exams.

 Preschool/PreK -  If this is your child's first school attendance,

                              Physical exam only

 Kindergarten - Physical exam, Dental Exam and Vision exam are needed

 Second Grade - Dental exam only

 All other grades - nothing new is required if current forms are up to date

3.  Have you seen our updated website??????  Many, many thanks to all who helped to make this possible! It was a big project!  Please visit to read the updated Parent/Student Handbook found under "current families."

We understand that this continues to be a time of uncertainly for many of us and we welcome questions and ideas!  But please be aware that not every question will have an answer!

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