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St. Sava Times

By: Gabriel Redzic and Milos Nedic

Good day, St. Sava students, staff, supporters and parents. We’re here reporting with Gabriel Redzic and Milos Nedic on St. Sava’s first November edition.

Student Council

A lot of our candidates have different views on the school, but all of them have a goal in mind: to make this school a better place. The council will mainly focus on charity activities and projects. Our officers will be; for Treasurer, Milos Nedic, for Historian, Adrian Redzic, for Secretary, Zvezdana Goljic, for Vice President, Vasiliki Kantar-Vlassis, and President, Gabriel Redzic.

Covid vs. World

Covid-19 cases have risen alarmingly across the U.S. particularly in Illinois. In Illinois we have a huge number of cases 12,657 out of 12,670,000 people in Illinois at 11/11/2020. That may seem like a small amount, but it is an alarming rise in cases in only one day. On 11/11/2020 more than 139,231 cases have arisen in the U.S.A. Major outbreaks have been coming from California, Florida, Texas, Wisconsin and Illinois. In the whole world there are a total of 682,861 cases. We recommend that you follow the restrictions that are recommended by a health professional of Covid-19 in order that you don’t become a victim of it. Some of the Covid-19 symptoms are:

  1. Fevers or chills

  2. Tough breathing

  3. Headache

  4. Runny nose

  5. Loss of taste or smell

Thanksgiving is Approaching

The next holiday is fast approaching. Thanksgiving will include a couple new events. The student council has included a canned food drive as one of the many good deeds and events we will hold during the school year. We are asking that people bring in non-perishable goods to the classrooms. Boxes will be provided. The target date is going to be Tuesday, November 24th. With Covid-19 safety restrictions in effect, Thanksgiving will be an interesting holiday, mainly because people usually celebrate with friends and family.

We hope you stay safe and healthy during the upcoming holiday. I know that hardly any of us would want us to go remote all over again. Stay safe to stay safe! Have a good weekend!

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