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Updates for the Week!

After a few weeks of adjustments to a new school year, things are falling nicely into established routines and new procedures.  As I have said before, I am astounded at everyone's flexibility and patience!  It is GREATLY appreciated!  In getting used to our "new normal," it is really important to keep communication lines open. If there are any suggestions or ideas for how we may do things better, please feel free to let us know.  Gratefully, Protinica Michelle Just a reminder that documents are needed for students in the following grades: Preschool - (or PreK if this is their first school experience)

  • Physical exam with immunization record (Doctors have the forms or they can be printed from our website.)

  • Copy of Birth Certificate

Kindergarten Students -

  • Physical exam with immunization record (Doctors have the forms or they can be printed from our website.)

  • Dental Exam Form - due by May 15 - on our website

  • Eye Exam Form due within one year of starting school- on website

  • Copy of Birth Certificate

Second Grade Students:

  • Dental Exam by May 15

Any questions, call the office.  Thank you! One last reminder: Please make every effort to make tuition payments on time. A full explanation of our new tuition policy can be found in our updated Parent/Student Handbook on the Website. Again, contact the Principal and/or the Office if there are any questions.

Menu for the week of September 14 - 18

Monday - Roasted Chicken Drumsticks, Roasted Red Potatoes, Green Salad, Fresh Fruit, Milk or Water

Tuesday - Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Potato Chips, Sliced Cucumbers, Fresh Fruit, Milk or Water

Wednesday - Fish Sticks, Tater Tots, Green Salad, Fresh Fruit, Juice or Water

Thursday - Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Cucumber Salad, Fresh Fruit, Milk or Water

Friday - Bean " Prebranac," Fresh Bread, Cabbage Salad, Fresh Fruit, Juice or Water

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